"Eldridian Logistics is a young, hard-working family grown business that is based in North Wales where we began our operation.

It all started with simple regular delivery work, and as our reliability and work ethic became better known we began to take on other jobs, such as removals, storage and outsourced delivery contracts from other firms.

This experience has led us to first of all become proficient at what we already do, but also gave us the incentive to branch out our services - our logistical minds have sharpened over time and we believe we have the staff and the willpower to apply ourselves in areas such as shredding, frozen/chilled distribution, certified IT Equipment removals and/or destruction.

The more ideas we came up with, the more excited we became thinking about the services we would be able to offer to our local client base here in North Wales and beyond!

As always with all of the services we currently provide - and those we will provide in the future - you are guaranteed a friendly, reliable and affordable experience."

The company currently has 2 office based strategist staff and a pool of 8 drivers we send out for the delivery work.

The office staff are the logistical brains that keep the business running, organising the deliveries, discussing customer requirements, ensuring communication amongst ourselves and the end customer is at the very best that can be achieved and organising the warehouse activities.

Ian Eldridge

Woman with red dress

Managing Director

Ian is a tall, lithe, mid 40s, self-confessed sleep deprived, coffee loving, workaholic!

Despite early desires to forge a career being a motor mechanic / engineer when he left school, there were no opportunities at the time so Ian resigned himself to the notion of going back into education to gain further qualifications.  It was at this juncture he fortuitously landed a role in the IT industry and remained within it for over 25 years, rising through the ranks as he went.

During the final 5+ years though, boredom was abound and it was time to do something different. To mitigate this, he started up and ran a commercial cleaning business (which remains operational to this day) but even after running this for a couple of years, other challenges were still needed.

Having been an early morning driver-for-hire for many years, alongside the work in IT and whilst running the cleaning business, the opportunity arose to start delivering early morning papers as a sub-contractor for Menzies Distribution Plc.

The logistics business grew from the first step which was to take out a small bank loan for a second hand panel van, with which Ian delivered papers each morning for 364 days of the year, to what is now a fleet of vehicles (some customised, purpose built, others plain, un-liveried vans) used across a variety of sectors.

Ian believes the knowledge gained in IT has certainly helped plan out the transport and logistics business. 

When not in work, Ian is a total car-nerd, with a small collection of "modern classics" which he openly admits to spending too much time polishing and probably not enough time driving! He is also a hobbyist art collector following a number of emerging Artists and he is a great fan of building architecture - Georgian buildings specifically - for their majesty, splendour and symmetry. 

Ambitions in life - 

- purchase more cars! (how many is too many !?)
- Build his own home 
- Start a trust foundation / academy for youngsters wanting to embark on a career in engineering; something that Ian strongly believes in. 

When asked about the future, retirement and slowing down ... Ian's response .... "No I don't think that's for me, work keeps me alive, life is for living and I will catch up on sleep when I'm dead!".